Dawn will help you discover how to seek out and express your truth! 

Dawn's psychic abilities came in strong after her first reiki training in early 2000's. She then continued to study yoga, meditation, polarity therapy, compassion communication and women's empowerment. 

Experiencing profound grief and trauma in early formative years led her to seek her own healing work. After over a decade of cultivating self love and acceptance she began facilitating personal sessions for others struggling with similar issues. This allows her to have a strong empathic connection with what you are going through. Her own life experience combined with extensive trainings and psychic abilities give you a teacher with many 'tools' to share for your healing. 

Dawn has helped me through some very difficult circumstances, and has given me the hope and strength to endure. She has soothed and nurtured me with her calm, loving spirit, and energized and inspired me with her knowledge and healing touch. I would highly recommend a visit with Dawn! Her wisdom and warmth will help you through the darkness and guide you towards the light!
— Lesia - animal healer