Time to party!!! This month is BEST OF SHAKTI! All the music that made us transcend time and space into ecstatic bliss!
This once a month dance party bridges the gap between muggles and magical people!! All are welcome! Dawn of the New Era opens a special dimensional frequency to get buck wild! Drumz, goddess gear, fairies, and upside down wall twerking all in one space. You will have a chance to release your primal animal
'Self' in a safe space!
Dawn Thompson is a modern medicine woman located in Columbus, OH. After 25 years of intense initiation, she embraced her ability to help others heal from past trauma and discover their true path. Descended from a powerful Hungarian gypsy lineage, magic and intuition is in her bloodline. After training in multiple healing modalities, she developed her own techniques to guide others into mental, spiritual and physical health. Dawn currently has private clients across the United States, a monthly radio show, and facilitates workshops at music and yoga festivals. She enjoys nature, ceremony, and delighting in the five senses.