You have been called to shift. You have been called to make a change.
In order to thrive in the new vibrations and frequencies of 2020, you will need an upgrade.
“Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Meditation is essential for our survival.”
-Thích Nhất Hạnh
The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body. It produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs.
Our ancient ancestors knew the power and intelligence of the heart.
It is your job to remember what has been forgotten. Techniques to connect your gut instincts and calm your mind's constant chatter will now be available to you.
Join Dawn in this playshop filled with deep connection to self and others. Heal your past, embody the present, and co-create your future with a source bigger than you. Be ready to move, share, and explore in a deep way.
$33 investment
Your guide:
Dawn Thompson is a Intuitive strategist leader and transformation life coach. Located in Columbus, Ohio her ability to transform a traumatic past brought her to the path of helping others.
Her own life experience combined with extensive training and psychic abilities, have gifted her a variety of unique tools for the purpose of your healing.
Dawn is the author of “The Authentic Codes” and “Journey into Healing Anxiety” . She is currently working on her next book "Teachings for a New Era"
Join her at one of her workshops, ecstatic dance parties, or treat yourself to her woman’s retreats for ultimate healing fun!
Dawn spends her time balancing work,traveling, being a mom, and cuddling her dog Miko.