• tranquility salt cave (map)

We all have spirit guides, and when you cultivate a relationship with your spirit guides you will receive clear, wise guidance to help you in every area of your life. They are beings of the highest truth and compassion working on our behalf to guide your thoughts and energy back to love. They’re not physical and aren’t bound by the natural laws of this world. They’re spiritual beings. Angels, departed loved ones, ascended masters, star beings and more are here to support you. Come and meet them and get your messages! When you become willing to see a world beyond your physical sight, then life becomes easier, you will feel safer and access your true power.

Join Dawn of the New Era in a small social distance event at Tranquility Salt Cave in Worthington, Ohio. The cave is lined with Himalayan rock salt and promotes calmness, removes toxins, and clears out old stay energy(purifying). Your safety is assured with the salt being anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Investment: $50

Your host: Dawn Thompson is a Intuitive strategist leader and transformation life coach. Located in Columbus, Ohio her ability to transform a traumatic past brought her to the path of helping others. Her own life experience combined with extensive training and psychic abilities, have gifted her a variety of unique tools for the purpose of your healing. She has been a professional psychic for almost a decade. Dawn is the author of “The Authentic Codes” and “Journey into Healing Anxiety” Join her at one of her workshops, ecstatic dance parties, or treat yourself to her woman’s retreats for ultimate healing fun! Dawn spends her time balancing work,traveling, being a mom, and cuddling her dog Miko.