This is a new posture for us to try out. The snake posture has been found in artifacts as old as 6000 years. According to the research of Felicitas Goodman (Susan's mother, who developed the ecstatic trance ceremonies as we practice them), when people take this posture they most commonly turn into snakes or ride snakes, and have experiences of renewal or rebirth.

Posture: This is a standing posture. Stand with your feet at least 6 inches apart and your knees slightly bent. Expect to move around with this posture, so stand in a stable way. Your hands are in fists at your sides against your waist, with your elbows bent. It is important for the hands to be held with the palms facing in toward your body. The eyes are closed. The lips of the mouth are open but the teeth remain closed still allowing one to breathe through the mouth.

Those new to ecstatic trance are welcome. We take an experimental approach to trance studies so one need not subscribe to any particular set of beliefs to experience what the session offers and interpret it as most appropriate for ourselves.

This session will be facilitated by Susan Josephson and assisted by Dawn Thompson (Dawn of the New Era) and conducted over Zoom at

Meeting ID: 816 2674 9310
Passcode: 234031

In Preparation
✹ Don't have alcohol on the day of the trance, and don't eat at least a half-hour before the session.
✹ Don’t wear metal touching your body (silver and gold are okay).
✹ Put the altar in the South and face the altar when you do the trance.
✹Have a candle, incense, and offering on the altar ready. The offering should be something like nuts, seeds, cornmeal. When we start the zoom call, light your candle and incense.
✹Have food and drink ready for after the trance when we talk abut our experiences.