Perhaps you’ve already heard the call.
You are exploring with oracle cards, Reiki, or other holistic and mystical practices. Maybe you took an activating yoga training or have been building your crystal collection. You have started to notice the cycles of nature on earth and the rhythms of the moon. Pleasure and seeking the divine feminine have become your main focus, but what’s next? There is a deeper connection to magic that lives inside you.
YOU are a modern medicine woman.
Maybe you’re new to this exploration of healing work, or these fundamentals have been in your medicine bag for some time. In this realm of work, there is always opportunity to level up your intuition. There are teachings being offered here to protect yourself and your energy; so that whether you're a nurse, teacher, hair stylist, waitress, bartender, herbalist, or stay at home mom- this work can integrate and flow into your everyday life.
In this training you will learn to empower yourself, connect deeper with spiritual support, and develop intuitive healing skills. You will make life long connections with the sisters who choose to gather with you and heard the call as well. These skills will allow you to continue on the journey to healing and connecting with your higher self. The goal of the program and it’s teachings is to remind you of what already resides within: an empowered person-grounded
Session One: Divination and Channeling
March 6th, 2021 1pm-5pm
This is an activating session where Dawn of the New Era teaches the lessons of a psychic. Every woman has within her a powerful intuition. This can manifest and look different in everyone: through dreams, prophecy, or even seeing spirits. This is where you can find the support to develop your budding talents. Connecting to the spirit world and leaning into spiritual support from your guides and ancestors is another important tool. All indiginous cultures still live as one with these realms. We have been taught in the western culture that God/Goddess and our departed are separate from us, leaving us feeling isolated and lonely- but with intention and effort we can reconnect. This session will also offer introduction to using objects like oracle cards and pendulums, this knowledge is your birthright, and the long lost forgotten ways are coming back to be embodied.
Session Two: Energy work and Healing Modalities
April 3rd, 2021 1pm-5pm
Everything is made of energy. Different forms of energy work such as reiki, munay ki rites, and polarity therapy are standard forms of energy healing. There are thousands of ways to connect and explore energy with yourself and share it with others. Most likely you will be coming to our afternoon training as an empath and can utilize this time to upgrade your verbal/energetic boundaries. Usually, healers give away too much energy and find themselves drained at the end of the day. This class is especially helpful if you are struggling with your emotions and empath abilities. You will learn how to protect your energy and be practicing self healing and how to send others healing energy without draining your own.
Session Three: Sacred Journey and Shamanism
May 8th, 2021 1pm-5pm
Priestess, shaman, healer, spiritual doctor…Every indigenous culture has them. In the last session of our series, we learn about plant spirits, ancestral patterns, various Deities, and how to work with them. Shamanism is all about earth based connection and respecting the spiritual realms. Sacred tools such as crystals, drums, rattles, postures, plants and more are used to create ceremony. You don’t have to resonate with being a Shamanic healer to get a TON of information in this class- it’s important to respect by way of learning about the history, lineage, and cultures who can be attributed to these holistic practices we incorporate in our lives today.
Supplies need for each session:
Bring a cushion, water bottle, and a snack to share each class.
Required materials:
One deck of oracle cards (NOT tarot), a journal & pen, and a pendulum
You are also welcome to bring your favorite essential oils, crystals, sage, and other alter items
Note: These teachings were given to Dawn of the New Era from her teachers and spiritual guides. These sessions will be organic and intuitive because spirit is in charge of this high vibrational gathering and activation. This series is very activating and will absolutely catapult you into the next level of your path.
Dawn Thompson is your teacher and guide. She is the founder of the New Era Academy and New Era Awakening podcast. She has been a psychic, shamanic healer, and spiritual teacher for a decade. Learn more about Dawn below:
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