Intuitive Transformation Session
Dawn will give you a psychic reading, using her mediumship and empathic abilities. Having the ability to look at what is causing problems in your life, she will design you custom solutions for solving your issues. Through accessing your spirit guides and angels, you will leave this intro session feeling confident in your life purpose. Great for when you are stuck in love, career, relationships, health, or in a spiritual void.
Rate for a phone card reading and intuitive counsel:
$65 per half hour / $115 per hour
Intuitive Healing
Channeling divine inspiration Dawn will facilitate a space of healing for mind, body, energetic, and spiritual problems. Your session may include a clearing of negative build up, realigning your chakras, reiki healing, shamanic techniques, polarity therapy, or ascended master therapy.
Rate for a healing session:
$150 40 Minute Session
Personalized 6 Week Transformation Coaching
Let Dawn take your hand and guide you to ultimate life change and growth. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, this program is for you! Invest in yourself and you see your life change before your eyes! She can put you on a healing path that leads to a happy destiny. Identify what your problems are and manifest different outcomes. This is personalized for your needs, and you will receive compassion and attention to the details of your healing process.
Your Program includes:
Online course work “The 12 steps to the authentic self” and “Anxiety relief”
Shamanic sessions and Intuitive healing
Animal totem healing
Psychic reading and medium ship messages
Realm reading
Life coaching
Reclaiming your wild woman archtype
You will gain:
Spiritual growth
Healthy boundaries
Peace of mind
Better relationships
Deeper impact in your community
Increased spiritual connection
Spiritual Mentorship
A 4 week group program that will initiate you into the New Era Academy mystery school. If you are ready for change and growth, this experience is for you.
Programming begins July 2022
Investment is $444 (Payment plans available)