You must understand your past to live authentically in the present and to set the right patterns for the future. This trance session gives space to explore our visions of past lives.

This posture comes from an artifact found in West Germany from the early Iron Age Hallstatt culture 800 to 600 BCE (Early Celtic culture). The statue, called “The Warrior of Hirschlanden,” is the oldest life-sized statue found north of the Alps. Found at a site in Ditzingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, the statue stood on the north side of a graveyard, facing south over the graves. The lower body is the strong legs of an adult male who carries the seed of fertility, while on top is the child who is the man reborn. What the statue expresses is that we live life after life. In the trance, people often experience flashes and scenes of life after life, going from birth to birth.

Go into trance thinking about who you were in a previous life to begin to remember our past lives and the lives of our ancestors. It shows you something about your patterns, your karma, that continues through many births and generations. Why you were born into this world? What is this life is about for this incarnation of you?

Those new to ecstatic trance are welcome.

This session will be facilitated by Susan Josephson and assisted by Dawn Thompson (Dawn of the New Era) and conducted over Zoom at

In Preparation
✹ Don't have alcohol on the day of the trance, and don't eat at least a half-hour before the session.
✹ Don’t wear metal touching your body (silver and gold are okay).
✹ This is a Zoom trance, so be sure to show up on time. We do not want someone bursting into the trance when we are already started.
✹ You will need to have an altar set up with a candle and incense (optional) and offering that you can face while you do the trance. The offering should be something like nuts, seeds, cornmeal. When we start the zoom call, light your candle and incense
✹ The altar should be in the south/earth direction. For this trance it is important to be sure to be facing south when you trance.
✹Have food and drink ready for after the trance when we talk.
✹ Be sure to show up on time. We lock the zoom meeting right after it starts.
✹ After the meeting, take the offering outside to the creatures who live there.
✹Posture: The posture is a standing posture with knees locked. The left arm is up with the fingers facing the right shoulder. The right arm is along the waist with the ball of the hand in the bellybutton. Your eyes are closed. In this posture, the hands are very important. It is a journey. The left hand is in the hollow between the chest and the right shoulder. It is the direction we move. The right hand is protecting us from any sort of possession as we travel by covering the belly button / hara region. The face is not important for this trance, just close your eyes. It is a standing trance, but sitting also works. If you sit. Stand first solid with your feet maybe 6 inches or so apart, and then sit down from there on the front of the seat. Not leaning back in any way.

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